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How to Find a Good St. Petersburg Estate Planning Lawyer


Lawyers are almost literally a dime a dozen in Florida. The Sunshine State has one of the highest number of attorneys per capita in the country. Most lawyers are used to working with forms. Additionally, most lawyers are used to dealing with strict rules governing these forms. But the strict rules in litigation matters, like family law and personal injury matters, are nothing compared to the strict rules in probate matters, like wills and will contests.

Frequently, estate planning clients have large assets to protect, and it is vital to get everything right the first time. Usually, when attorneys execute these documents, the person who made the document is deceased. So, there is no possibility for a do-over. Not just any lawyer will do in this environment. Therefore, only the best St. Petersburg estate planning lawyer, who meets all three qualifications listed below, should handle complex probate matters.


Most aspiring lawyers learn how to work with forms in law schools. These institutions teach basic skills. Only experience teaches lawyers more advanced skills. Negotiation skills are a good example.

Out-of-court settlements resolve over 90 percent of probate litigation matters. These resolutions avoid protracted and expensive litigation which benefits no one in the end. Furthermore, settlements are final resolutions. Court verdicts, which are usually subject to multiple appeals, are often temporary resolutions, at best.

Negotiation skills go beyond what’s said at a conference room table. A successful negotiation outcome usually hinges on case evaluation and preparation, skills that only experienced lawyers have.

Even the newest attorney typically knows how to analyze a case from a strictly legal perspective. Experienced attorneys add other factors to the mix, such as a jury’s likely reaction to a set of facts and a client’s ability and/or willingness to finance a protracted court battle.


Usually, transactional matters are completely different from litigation matters. Passionate civil and criminal trials are a staple of movies and TV shows. But no one makes movies and TV shows that feature a St. Petersburg estate planning lawyer diligently reviewing cases and taking action.

Because this area of law is unfamiliar and tedious to many attorneys, dedication to estate planning is essential. Undedicated lawyers often look for quick and easy solutions so they can focus on other matters. Your lawyer should never assume that the easy way is also the best way. In many cases, the opposite is true.


This final quality has little if anything to do with legal skills. In many ways, accessibility for a lawyer is what bedside manner is for a doctor. Doctors should compassionately deliver good or bad medical news. Attorneys should be accessible, but not overly accessible.

All lawyers should be responsive to client inquiries and not over-delegate these tasks to other professionals. At the same time, if a lawyer is so accessible that s/he returns phone calls and emails within minutes, there’s probably a reason the lawyer has few clients.

Work With a Compassionate Pinellas County Lawyer

Will and estate matters are very complex. For a confidential consultation with an experienced estate planning lawyer in Lakewood Ranch, contact Drude Tomori Law. Convenient payment plans are available.



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